RE: [Anime A-Side] Dangers In My Heart Is Back - These Opening and Ending Credits Are…

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Openings and endings of anime shows tend to carry the anime up even a bit better.
As they are more often than not the first and last part of the anime episode, it could easily be a tag for the anime.

Most times people skip these parts of an episode, but if they're that good, then they may become iconic, separately and sometimes even more than the anime itself ..

For example, Unravel from Tokyo ghoul and Blue Bird in Naruto...

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Can you imagine an Unravel edit for the first opening to this? I can. It would be tonal whiplash once you got past the first episode or so but also could have been very much a nice way to illustrate Ichikawa’s internal struggles with his self image. I wonder what the ending to that version would be, though 🤔