The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Gone - Season 1 - Episode 2 - RECAP

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Episode two as expected was as passionate as episode one and close to the same amount of action, episode two is all about Michonne, after episode one there was big cliff hanger of how and why Michonne found Rick, it was a coincidence but there is also a reason behind it, at first I though she was in some kind of resistance group against the CRM but I was wrong, it was all pure coincidence after retaliation actions from her and the group she was hanging with.
This episode also shows more about how different groups of people are trying to survive the post apocalypse, same as the first two spin off Zombies are not a problem at all for humans anymore, not even if you are out there, now the worst problem anyone would face is humans, I guess it has always been that way but on the OG series Zombies were a bigger problem? that is just how I see things. This episode also shows how small the CRM is, reason I mention this is because they have not been able to take over at least the US, they still killing people and on episode two they make it clear, once you are in they can't let you out.
Episode two starts with Michonne giving an interview, after she safe a Aiden and Bailey who were left behind by their group for some reason, the leader of this community is Aiden sister Elle, between this communities there are similarities on how they operate, for example once in they don't want you to go probably scare that every person who leaves could become the enemy. Michonne was asking Elle for a horse in return for saving her sister so she can get back to her way to Bridgers Terminal where she thinks Rick is, all we know so far is that she have his boots but how did she find them? and why he left them? there still a lot to be discover.
The OG series also work time lines going back and forward, spin offs are not different in that sense, after spending a day with Elle's community Michonne was giving a horse and got back to her route finding a huge herd of walkers, the biggest one I have see across series, plan was to open a path like Moses but things didn't go as plan when one of the walkers exploded, that's the gentleman on the cover he seem to have gas tanks around him and for some reason he gets on fire although he was on fire already after Michonne shoots a rocket trying to open a path, guy explodes and his head knocks Michonne down of her horse and now she has to either run away or fight the herd.
I think she had it too easy at first during this episode so it was buzz killer, she was saved by the same guys who had her back during her interview with Elle. Aiden, Bailey and Nat, they all went after her because they were tired of migrating from one place to another, they wanted to settle down some where, Michonne seems like a leader for them, I really thought the episode can't be this boring.
TWD kicks in! After a few days of walking and talking, Michonne and her new groups of friends find themself in a town they were cross by until a CRM Helicopter discover them and throw bombs of Clorox Gas. At first I though how she figure out they were going to attack but I guess if you see a black shopper in the air, then it turns around ant tilt at you, they going to open fire besides after she screams Scatter! the first bomb drops and a yellowish gas starts to expand covering everything around them.
The gas attack was brutal, it burn them from the inside, Nat and Michonne were the only lucky ones to survive the attack, everyone else died and they had to wait months to get better, from the two she was the strongest one so I guess it was her to look for food and oxygen, I also assume they had more than enough supplies from the group of people they were with, Nat on the other hand was an expert at building weapons, structures and other things to survive. Michonne would not let this attack stop her so she decided to take back on her destiny to Bridgers Terminal, this is still something I don't know, why and how she knows Rick is there? still Nat decided to go with her so they start the journey together.
The scene when they arrive to Bridgers Terminal was the peak moment of the episode for me, all Michonne found was burn bodies by dozens, one on top of each other and they were all missing their shoes? probably why she found Rick boots. During the night sitting next to the fire she starts crying and this is probably my favorite scene from here ever that I can remember, there was probably a better acting scene from her but for me this was the best so far.
After her plan to find Rick failed she doesn't give up but she knows she has to move forward, going back to her kid and community to probably regroup and come up with a new plan, by pure luck the helicopter Rick was flying that day fly by close to her and Nat, they decided to attack and take them down before they could drop bombs on them, that is how she got to Rick.
The entire episode is full context of what had happen to Michonne all this time and a short resume of how she got to shut down the helicopter Rick was flying, what comes next I find very entertaining, at the end of each episodes there are snippets of whats next so you probably already know, it is going to be interesting how Rick decides to play this now with Michonne with him at the CRM but there is one big problem a blast from the past and her name is Jadis Stoke, she knows Rick and Michonne from the OG series running a survivors group and she now has Rick exactly where she wanted but my question is what is her agenda at the CRM? why she doesn't tell the rest who is Michonne, Rick did ask her to lay low and do not show them her leader potential, this series is going to get better and better by each episode.

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I used to watch that serie and even read some cómics this Review makes me want to revisit it! Thanks for sharing!