RE: Review - PainKiller - Netflix Mini Series - 2023


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I binged the episodes with my wife in just one day, it is heartbreaking to see the parents of the victims at the beginning of each episode.
I am very fortunate that I do not need pain meds, I hardly take any sort of pills. My pain medication is usually a big joint, only if that does not help I go for “classical” pain meds.

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Yeah so did I, I didn't feel great that day and had a couch potato day when I saw this on my feed so I watched them all at once.

Heart-breaking indeed, I can't imagine what they're going through, knowing they went into battle with big pharma having tons of money to buy the biggest lawyers. In these cases you need the longest breathe and I can imagine they just want to close it instead. To start grieving only.

You're lucky, and I Hope you can keep it that way. Before I went to Budapest, I had an incident with my back (I fell down the stairs after a rainy night when I was about to go to work) causing me 6 months of horrifying pain. The pain slowly vanished when the summer was there (in other words the winter cold made it much worse) and then in Budapest, I only had a few months of pain without taking heavy pain meds anymore, I weaned off as soon as they were all finished (took them from Spain for about a month max).

I never went to the doctor again there, only a few times for an ear infection, so for 4,5 years, I had 0 issues needing heavy pain meds (I don't count the ibuprofen for ear infections lol). Right now, I can only say that I'm happy they exists but I'm well aware of them being dangerously addicted so I guess knowing that will help me not ever go there.

It's just very slow here, waiting for a doctor to have time, then finding the right places for a scan, waiting for the results and then again for the specialist who can prescribe me physical therapy etc.. But, just one week left now, I hope that's the beginning of the end in terms of these meds.



Ouch! I wish you all the best for you therapy and hope you will be off the meds soon!