Down For Satirical, Not Too Serious Drama Series? 🎥 The Great Is One To Watch

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Who has already seen the satirical black comedy-drama television series The Great, with Elle Fanning in the lead role as Empress Catherine II? Catherine II better known as Catherine the Great in recent times.



The trailer of this tv-series came by in my feed a while ago and I was immediately interested in watching, especially as I am a fan of historical dramas. But those who are expecting an accurate storytelling be warned, as The Great is already stating the opposite in its opening scenes. A dozen of the facts have been twisted and apart from some real life historical figures, the characters are mostly made up.



In spite of the inaccuracies though, I quite enjoyed watching both seasons and couldn't stop watching, because of the silliness and outlandish behaviors of most characters. Especially the total opposite personalities that Catherine and Peter III are: one going into marriage with dreams aspirations and a rosy outlook on live, while the other brass reactive and spoilt.



Though they had a rough start in their marriage, both characters develop more understanding and to some level some respect for each other, which was done in a creative funny way by the shows creators. As for the other characters and events in this series, with an open mind and remembering that it's only a satire, one could forgive the gaudy displays, the uncontrolled emotional outbursts and outlandish behavior of some characters.



There's so much more that I can say, but I'll leave with it's definitely one of the few tv-series I can go back and watch again. So if you're wondering which tv-series to watch next and you are down for funny one liners, characters who regard themselves serious in a not too serious way, The Great is definitely one to watch. After giving it a try, let me know what you think in the comments below 🤓.

Chasse into the backstage! 💃

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It looks like it is a fun tv show!


!ENGAGE I've enjoyed watching all the released seasons and can't wait for the next one.