Much commotion about a fictional story that's supposedly based on true ...

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Much commotion about a fictional story that's supposedly based on true events, which includes a small nation called Suriname. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is thinking about suing the filmmakers. The government could better focus on changing the narrative into a positive one.

Posted via D.Buzz

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I was able to read something about this topic, and I was very interested in all the conflict that was generated by this controversy, supposedly the Korean embassy in Venezuela sent a communiqué to the Koreans in Suriname, however I did not understand the conflict very well.



Well that news has died down. Here in Suriname on social media people out their offense about certain topics and then it's forgotten news because of other news.

I still have to see what the series is about, but I know it's mostly fiction even though some characters are based on real people.

What most people were mostly worried about was that the country would be perceived as a drug run country.


I understand, it's good that everything has calmed down.


If I was in the Surinamese government, I'd try to use this publicity to boost some tourism.

Posted via D.Buzz


!LOL That's a good one. I guess it wouldn't hurt if they legalized weed, because the former colonial country - the Netherlands - is also known for that, so who knows 🤷‍♀.


I just checked and this is Netflix content.
I think Netflix has increased this type of content a lot in recent years. I feel a little awkward about making these kinds of life stories content. 🤷‍♀️

Posted via D.Buzz


!ENGAGE So, this is mostly fiction and people need to realize that and actually when filmmakers make content, they should also disclose that. Same with the movie Blonde about Marilyn Monroe that's mostly a fictionalized account.

I still need to watch the series, but I wasn't as offended as some of my countrymen, because I know it's mostly fiction even though some characters are real people.