What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger

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There are times when we feel alone even when there may be people all over us. At that point, we just want to curl up under the covers and prolly cry out our eyes. Sometimes, crying soothes my pain and sometimes it makes me feel worse but one thing that doesn't fail me when I find myself in troubled waters is music.

Most people prefer listening to motivational advice but to be frank it doesn't work for me because the moment I walk out of the motivational speaker's face, I'm back to point zero. What works for me is music. Songs that inspire, songs that speak truth, songs that are upbeat or most times sad yet can be inspiring and push me to stay focused on the course of my life.

My 2024 didn't begin quite well and it's somehow been a struggle tucking in sentiments. Yesterday was one of those bleak days where I felt like even the universe was against me. Laying in a dark room wasn't enough to get rid of the feeling, something was lacking and it was music. Typically, I went to my YouTube music app and had it do some suggestions for me.

For the first time I came across Kelly Clarkson and I loved her already from the first lyrics of her song Stronger and the one that stuck was the line that said "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

That line swam to the deepest part of my soul, found a seat and sat there. It got to inspiring that I had to add the song to my playlist.

The fog that seemed to have obstructed positive thinking faded away as I sang along while swaying lightly to the music.

Music, no matter the genre, has its way of penetrating the soul and its effect is always seen in the way we react later. In the course of life rush, cares of the world, cares of having a comfortable life, cares of getting a golden certificate, sorrows, depression and anxiety try to creep in once a while but just one inspirational song can stop one from slipping on banana peel and wallowing in the pain. A fall back hurts so bad that it takes a lot of effort to move a foot forward.

I'll leave you with the song by Kelly Clarkson. You may find it inspiring as much as I do.


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I have a friend who always played this song back in the day to the extent that I fell in love with it then also hated it later on after he played it too much 😅 what doesn't kill us indeed makes us stronger but I have come to realize that sometimes, you might just become traumatized for the rest of your life


it then also hated it later on after he played it too much

😂😂 I totally understand this. If I like a particular song, I don't okay it every time, I play it once in a while so that it sounds new in my ears.

but I have come to realize that sometimes, you might just become traumatized for the rest of your life

Yes true! It happens so it's up to the individual to deal with the trauma.

Thank you for coming around. I really appreciate your engaging comment.


I know the feeling You describe about the power of music. For me is ir very reconfortable yo listen some songs, Believer (Imagine Dragon's) for example is one of them.


It delights me to know that you can relate to the feeling. Will check out the song you mentioned. Thanks for stopping by.


Kelly Clarkson's voice sounds amazing, the lyrics and the performance of the song move my heart. I get why you chose the song to listen to when you were down.

Some people sometimes think they got the better part of us and we are miserable when they leave, I have been there in the past, so this song is very relatable.

When things happen to us, it is left to us to choose how to feel about it, and what to do after is in our hands.

What a beautiful recommendation from you and a lovely thought about the song.