RE: Electricity: Importance and Its challenges in Nigeria

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I wish I was more personable and charismatic to draw more people to the group. However, I'm not, sorry about that.

I'll always enjoy engaging with new people in the channel though and will do my very best to be welcoming 😄

The channel is more to talk about the economics of life and how to save how we can use that saved money to help others. However, hearing about corruption and how to avoid getting fleeced by government officials is important in saving money too!

As bad as things are in Nigeria, I heard stories from my cousin who was living in Guinea. In that country the corruption was so bad that the people collecting the electricity fees stole so much from the company that the company didn't even get enough money coming in to pay for the coal to run the generators.

Every month or two they had to go to the government to get money to buy fuel for their generators!

Living in Canada that just seemed absurd. Sure corruption happens here but its well hidden and you make sure you keep the lights on for people so you can keep stealing from them every month!

But corruption is a topic for another time ... I tend to get sidetracked! 🙃

In case your curious next weeks topic will be about transportation costs. I'd love it if you join in next week too 😉

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