RE: She can actually SING! Who? Lady Gaga - Was I living under a Rock? My Story of Discovery

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I know I am such an opinionate annoying little Fยดer๐Ÿ˜‰ and I am not even a fan, not musically not acting, not even how she looks- I just really like how she and Taylor Swift did that marketing so freaking well, but yes I will admit I had Goosebump mountains as well when I heard in the Shallow for the first time.

she can play being in love with someone darn well

Ehh heads up, most women can๐Ÿค

But I did enjoy reading a piece by you regarding an artist I actually know, most of the time you take me miles outside my comfortzone !LOLZ

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Comfort zone: Am glad I brought my content a bit more to your home base ๐Ÿ˜‰
Opinionated: Perfect, no probs at all ๐Ÿ˜‰ my alter-ego 'the Nutty Columnist' is also quite opinionated. That said, he wasn't driving the content of the above post and comments, this time ๐Ÿ™ƒ
Acting being in love and Women: Uhm I suppose you are right, but still not sure if this counts for 'most' or if this is more like 'many', or hopefully even 'more' or 'some'.


I wanna see more of this guy, guess I need to look close #theNuttyColumnist


Thanks I gladly check out your nutyness over the coming days !LOLZ


perhaps not too nutty in some to more of those posts ๐Ÿ™ƒ
i feel i shall up my nutty game ๐Ÿ˜‰