Forrest Gump - The Man With The Purest Heart

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On Sunday night I finally saw Forrest Gump. It's a Sunday afternoon kind of movie so I patiently waited for the day. I was eager to see it because I was told it's one of those very good classics that never gets old.

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Forrest Gump is a 1994 drama/romance film starring Tom Hanks and it takes us through the life and journey of a low IQ Forrest who is very kind-hearted.

It is based on a novel of same name, although, the story is said to be quite different. I do love movie adaptations of books because they're mostly good in my opinion.

So to the story briefly, Forrest Gump is at a busstop and he randomly begins telling his life story to a stranger who sits beside him while waiting for the bus. He tells a story from his younger years when he had leg braces on and how his best friend Jenny influenced him being able to walk properly eventually.

He then narrated how he was able to go to college despite his learning disabilities and afterwards, he was enlisted to the army. He gained awards and was a war hero for all his good deeds in the force.

He then became an award-winning sportsman, a millionaire from a shrimp business, and a famous marathon runner. All this time, he wasn't in regular contact with Jenny his childhood best friend and he only saw her a few times.

It's funny, he was all of these things but they never mattered to him. He probably was the luckiest guy in the whole world as everything seemed to always work right for him even when he had no idea what was going on around him.

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He was kind and innocent like a little child and everything he did was always in the interest of others. He never did anything for himself with all he had and the only thing he really did for his happiness was to look out for Jenny.

I don't like Jenny one bit. She was a good friend as a child but she didn't grow up to be the best version of herself. Forrest didn't need to go over and beyond to finally get her attention. Why reject help from the one person who cares about you the most?

Forrest was obviously too good for her and deserved someone with even half his kind of love to give. Anyway, Forrest is an interesting character and his actions are teachable moments that a kind heart is what we all need.

Some might call him dumb or a simpleton but he was fulfilled with his simple and naive life because he did what mattered to him - being there for others.

I like how this story was told with Forrest sitting at the busstop and the strangers sharing the bench with him keep changing as the story progresses. The mix of real history in the story was really funny.

Forrest was photo-shopped into real-life events like meeting John F Kennedy, Elvis Presley and other notable people in history. It is amazing how this is a 1994 visual because even till today, some productions are not this good.

I liked the scene with 'Elvis Presley' and how Forrest supposedly inspired his famous dance move.

I thought I was going to cry because it seemed like a tear-jerker movie but I didn't. It was more of laughter especially when Forrest just kept running and running.

The ending was so annoying to me but I liked the last scene where we're reminded of Forrest's first day going to school on the school bus. The busstop is also a key point in the whole story as this is where Forrest tells us about his life.

I'm late to the party and I even dozed off while watching (because I was tired prior, not bored) but this film is kinda overhyped if I'm being sincere. It's not bad, I liked it, but it's just about average and not Oscars worthy.

Well, I will now understand every Forrest Gump meme I come across and that's a win.

It's a 7/10 for me.

Have you seen Forrest Gump? What do you think?

Thanks for reading!

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Detesto a Jenny y nadie me puede hacer cambiar de opinión. Forrest Gump es un personaje icónico que nos hizo reconectar con la bondad que puede llegar a existir en los seres humanos con esa inocencia cómica que lo caracteriza, esta es una película ícono para muchos aunque no sabría si incluirme, pero siempre recuerdo su memorable frase de: ‘¡Corre, Forrest, corre!’ que a veces uno usa en la cotidianidad para hacerse el gracioso y me encanta.
I hate Jenny and no one can change my mind. Forrest Gump is an iconic character that made us reconnect with the goodness that can exist in human beings with that comic innocence that characterizes him, this is an iconic movie for many although I wouldn't know if I include myself, but I always remember his memorable phrase: 'Run, Forrest, run!' that sometimes one uses in everyday life to be funny and I love it.

I hate Jenny and no one can change my mind.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one 😄

I also don't think it is iconic but it is really good. Forrest makes one ask questions about life and what's really important. That's what I like about the entire movie.

...but I always remember his memorable phrase: 'Run, Forrest, run!' that sometimes one uses in everyday life to be funny and I love it.

I had no idea what this phrase meant all this while until I watched the movie.


Forest Gump movie will always have a special place with me. Till today I still wonder how he was able to break free from his leg support and ran so well as he did. To me, it was like a miracle...I think Jenny would have turned out well if not for the trauma she faced as a child. I liked her to some extent and her story is just so sad. I'm just grateful she was able to give Forest a child before passing away.