What Would You Do If ·Love Strikes Twice?·

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get a second chance at love? Many relationships and partnership didn't start on a good note and in the long run, complications set in. What if you were given the opportunity to go back in time. Would you choose the same partner or a different partner? There are and there would always be so many unanswered questions when it comes to relationships.

Edited on canva

Due to the fact that I'm under the weather, I decided to watch something mild for a change. A friend who knows that I love watching horror movies came over and gave me a list of horror movies I should try and for the first time in a long time I said no. I think my mind just wanted to see something calming and not something nerve-racking. And so, I opted to watch Love strikes twice.

At first, I thought It was going to be a movie with a love triangle where one lady or one man gets to choose between two partners who are so adorable, well, I thought wrong. I think I'm losing my flare for movie prediction:⁠)


Maggie Turner realises that she was stuck in a stale marriage and in a means to make things right, she makes a wish. Maggie miraculously wakes up 15 years later and is given another opportunity to right her wrongs. Does she choose the right part or not? I'd leave that to you.

Irrespective of which perspective we want to view it from, such marriages exist. A marriage devoid of love, compassion and attention. Maggie is a workaholic lawyer who barely has time for her husband and you can imagine how this would turn out. The only good thing is that she didn't have any kids because the kids would have also lacked motherly care.

I was trying to understand the logic behind the fact that she woke up "15 years later." It turns out that Maggie and Josh Turner had been married for 15 years but still this happened to them. Sometimes, people may think that once you're last the first ten years of marriage, then a firm foundation has been built. This isn't always the case.


This movie is starred by:


  • Katie Findley as Maggie Turner

Maggie Turner is one of the lead actresses in the movie. She is the one given a second chance to start afresh or should I say, correct her mistake. I wouldn't want to give so much of a spoiler but what I would like to say is that she did justice to her role. Maggie played her role so well and now, I admire lawyers even more.


  • Wyatt Nash as Josh Turner

Josh Turner, Maggie's husband, is a regular history degree holder. As one would imagine, he feels inferior to his wife as she is a lawyer. Josh plays the role of a very loving and understanding husband; the kind any lady would wish for but people always have their breaking points and Josh was no different.


  • Marshall Williams as Rick Morgan

Rick plays the role of the son of a rich father and Maggie's college boyfriend. Honestly, I expected Rick to be a spoiled brat but it turns out that he didn't display so many characteristics of a spoiled brat, good for him.


  • Brynn Godenir as Carrie Bowedin

Carrie is the type of best friend anyone would adore. Full of energy, positivity and compassion. She plays the role of Maggie's bestfriend.


  • Sharon Bajer as Estelle Harmannand and Alex Porch Gomdin as George Hartman.

This couple redefined the word love. They were married for forty years and they still adored each other immensely. They are totally worthy of emulation. They play the roles of Maggie's mother and father.


  • Erik Authevale as Malcom Baxter

Malcolm is a good man who is cladded with the role of an opponent. He is a lawyer; the lawyer who opposed Maggie in court. I must say that he was one very fun opponent.



Genre: Fantasy,comedy, mystery and romance

Director: Jeff Beesly.


My Opinion.

I honestly didn't know what to expect when I started this movie. I kept an open and receptive mind and I have no regrets. Love strikes twice was an amazing movie with a great plot and wonderful screenplay. All the actors played their roles splendiferously. I watched this movie to help take my mind off my fever and the movie did just that.

One part that stood out for me was when Maggie won a court case. I was really excited because her opponent (excuse my terms) was really out to win by all means. The reason why this was exciting was because her opponent had a streak of consistent successful cases–won by hook or by crook– but Maggie emerged and broke this streak. Just terrific.


I would whole-heartedly recommend this movie to anyone out there who is looking for an interesting movie to help while away time. If you're one who loves action movies, horror or crime, well, this is also a movie for you; a little change. Once again, the movie is highly recommended. Do well to watch it and give feedback if you wish, I'd be more than happy to get your feedback.

All images are screenshots from the movie except stated otherwise. Translated with DeepL.

With love, wongi

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One more movie to my collection of movies to watch😁. I love horror movies too and that also has its moments. Do feel good dear💕


Love strikes the same place twice?🤨

thought it was like lightning: beatiful, alluring and deadly 😗


Hehehe. I guess it can strike twice, if the person is indeed worthy.


Hope you're much better dear friend?
Be fine please. It's good you found something to keep you company. Come to my clinic, my consultation fee is subsidized HBD 🤣


I'm slowly getting better.

Subsidized HBD I see😂. Your clinic is certainly very far from me, I would have visited 😅.

Thanks for your concern.


Now i feel interested in giving a love movie a try. I also dont watch love movies, I go for action and war but this seems kinda good and it better to try something different and have a good taste of another genre of movie.


That's the spirit hunny. Going for something different is what led me to this movie and I'm certain that you wouldn't regret watching it.

Thanks for coming around ✨


Arggh. It looks fun and all but I'm just imagining if it was a book instead. Would be so fun for me. Anyways, I'm happy you took a break from your Horror. I still don't know why you like it so much sha. And believe it or not, you wrote such an amazing review Best. I !luv it.🤗


Oh dear🥺. I gave it my all like you said I should. And I think this break from horror movies is going to last longer because why not😅.


Please let it last. You've seen too much darkness for your young age abeg. And don't worry Best, some people would be queried for their failure to do the needful.😌


All these kinda movies that make someone to fall in love while watching with an imaginative someone in mind. But once the movie ends, eye go clear 😄.

Seems like a sweet movie though


It was an interesting one and I enjoyed it a whole lot. I think you would too.


Hmmm well my answer is nahhhh ! I wont want a second chance at love but i'll want a second chance at becoming successful 😁😁

Haha;! What touched your soul you ignored horror movies


Oh... Second chance at becoming successful doesn't sound bad at all.

Haha;! What touched your soul you ignored horror movies

😅😅😅. My mind wasn't ready to take in any form of horrific content.


Lolzzz🤣🤣 no ohhh your mind should be ready ohh Jagaban hahaha. You see horror movies run this time 😂


It's good to change things sometimes. I mostly watch action movies. But an interesting movie like this one will make it to my list!

I hope you're much better now :)


If you eventually see it, I hope you enjoy it.

Oh yes, thank you so much. I'm getting better ✨


Thank you!

Great to hear that. You're most welcome!


Love me a good ol' romcom. I'll look it up. thanks for the recommendation, Wongi 😘 !LUV !ALIVE !PIZZA

I dropped in from Dreemport this evening. #dreemer for life


I bet you'd like this too.

Thanks for stopping by ✨