RE: The Olmec, Movie, and Mead, Homeschooling and Lifestyle Blog, New Digital Art and Photography


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I have some beer in the fridge that is waiting for Just The Right Day. They're all 12+ % alcohol, and nothing I'm inclined just to down with dinner. But I do love a good beer.

And interestingly, I am going to visit the local meadery next week. A number of us folk from the community theatre are meeting up. They have a spiced mead they call "Grogg", and serve it warmed as a desert with whipped cream and a ginger snap on top. Oh yes. I think I've proposed to each of the wait staff who have ever brought me one.

I'm not terribly familiar with the Olmec, which is a shame, since they seem to have been quite a successful civilisation. Thank you for sharing that!

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