RE: [ENG/ESP] Sailor Moon Cristal Cosmos

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definitivamente sailor moon no falla cuando es para entretener, sea en la temporada que sea.

sailor moon definitely doesn't fail when it comes to entertainment, whatever the season.

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te recomiendo esta serie Remake, al comienzo lo empece a mirar con escepticismo, "pero luego vi que las peleas y el guion entretenian", asi como la banda sonora con orquesta filarmonica y coros de iglesia.

la serie se llama sailor moon cristal, esta hablado en latino con las mismas voces de la version clasica, la unica diferencia es que se llaman por sus nombres en Japones, cosa que desconcierta al inicio, pero luego lo asimilas.

I recommend this series Remake, at the beginning I started to look at it with skepticism, "but then I saw that the fights and the script entertained", as well as the soundtrack with philharmonic orchestra and church choirs.

the series is called sailor moon crystal, it is spoken in latin with the same voices of the classic version, the only difference is that they are called by their names in japanese, which is disconcerting at the beginning, but then you assimilate it.