Soy comerciante, microempresario, podcaster, padre de familia y alguien con quien puedes hablar si tienes problemas en tus negocios o en tu vida particular.
I am an artist, pianist and songwriter passionate with art. Photography, cooking and painting are my hobbies. My main purpose in life is to share and give content of value to people.
Biólogo cubano amante de la fotografía y la Naturaleza. Redactor web y coleccionista de plantas. /
Cuban biologist who loves photography and Nature. Web writer and plant collector.
Do you want to know about engineering, science and technology? This place will provide you with information and respond to situations related to this area.
Bipadre y semipersona. Difundo e impulso el podcasting cada día desde #AlOtroLadoDelMicrófono, intento dirigir Porquepodcast y produzco podcast en Europa Press