I Miss The Sci Fi Of the 80's and 90's

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"Strange Game. It seems the only winning move is not to play.
How about a nice game of chess?

Do any of you remember Wargames? When a young teenager hacker didn't know what he was getting himself into. He hacked into the US' top secret military AI processor hunting for some fun game to try. Global Thermonuclear War. He thought it was a game where he could have some harmless fun roleplaying as a military strategist amidst a world war, but boy was his world about to be shaken up as he finds out everything he's been doing has been playing out on the world stage.

Then do you ever remember The Flight of the Navigator where a young boy falls into a revine trying to find his brother on halloween? Shaken up he awakes to find that he has been unconscious for a little while and makes the journey back to his parents house, only to find out that 12 years have passed and everything is not the same


There were so many sci fi greats in that era. Hackers was one of my favourites. Whilst not true to life, and we all laughed at how cinema framed hacking as visually stimulating, when most of us that were on the internet knew it was lines and lines of code, nevertheless, it still didn't stop it from being a great film. It was an all star cast too. Just look at the line up, and the musical score. Wow. Is all I can say.

What a film. I feel watching hackers is a right of passage for some of us.

Maybe it's me but it doesn't feel as if there's the imagination out there as there once was. Our films have been gobbled up with woke writers that spend too much time on Earth trying to teach us how racist we all are, forgetting they have a movie to write, or that writers today lack the imagination there once was.

I am absolutely raving over The Foundation right now, but the concept isn't new. It's an old book written way before Star Wars. In fact, some have even suggested that Star Wars was built on the idea of The Foundation. So we are essentially screenplaying something old.

One of my favourite films of all time had to have been total recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Again, another very original idea thought out of thin air and brought to life by some amazing actors.

I somehow feel these days are gone. As we've swapped out imaginative play for computers, mobile phones, and tablets it seems we are losing the gift of imagination. That will continue to rise as people stifle their imaginations in favour of AI. Rather than think up great stories people are now turning to AI to write them for them, I see it with bookwriters already. That being said there will always be great stories to copy. We can already see that Dune is going through the meat grinder, as is several others. Not long before we get a flash gordon reboot because writers are too lazy to think up their own stuff these days.

It started happening with music in the 2000's. I remember my mother telling me that she liked the "original song better" and I would say, "but this is the original?" not knowing that lots of songs were copied from the 60's and 70's and rehashed in the 90's and 00's and passed off as new songs. I mean I'm not against using old work to make fresh content, but jesus, do we have to have a reboot of every god damn successful hit ever?

Back to the future is next. Oh yes it is, I've seen the trailers.

Anyway. All I'm saying is I'd like to get back to a time where writers have originality in their works, particularly for sci fi. I think the only real sci fi newbie we have seen as of late was "passengers" and that was one in a million. Oh, and avatar. Avatar was real good. They aren't getting churned out like they used to though.

And well, I miss 'em.

That is all!

Posted using CineTV

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The Terminator was my favorite from the 1980s. In those days the story seemed impossible, but today we know that it wasn't so impossible.

I think the rapid development of technology has a negative effect on writers. Maybe the reason for this blockage is that they can't mobilize their "imagination" enough.

It used to be hard to predict the future, now it's not so hard!


We are living in the nostalgic era, for some of our generation of the 90s or even the 80s, the remakes, live actions, and bassically all the re-do histories is pure nostalgia. For the people born in the 2000 is all new, just like it happen to us with music as u say.

I have faith in human kind, I know there is a lot of creativity outhere, just is a phase that have to happen, this things have occurred before.


Total Recall (1990) was loosely based on a Philip K. Dick story, and a darn good film. It's been awhile since I last saw it. Another film to add, also based on a Philip K. Dick novel is Blade Runner (1982) with Harrison Ford opposite Rutger Hauer.

And in the '90s, Galaxy Quest (1999) with Tim Allan and Sigourney Weaver, a blast to watch.