RE: 📽️ What Movie to screen at my upcoming Movie Night?


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Who do you think that your audience might be, dear @vincentnijman ?

A good all-round/ all ages kind of film might be The Fall, 2006

And a very good deep and meaningful one - though quite intense - might be The Fountain, also 2006

Or Mr Nobody, 2009 and/ or Cloud Atlas, 2012 - these are all some of my favourite films - wish I was near your village hall, to join the evening! I love watching films with others, and then having a chat or beer 😍 😇 Good luck in choosing!

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Beware of the 'film snob'...

Here I come. Don't take it personally ;<)

I've never seen Mr. Nobody but I struggle to take Jared Leto seriously, especially after finding out about the emo band he started haha!

I know I should not judge people but still...

I guess I like him in Requiem for a Dream ( no matter how uncomfortable that movie is - I probably won't watch it ever again )

The Fountain and Cloud Atlas are more than a bit too mainstream for me.

although I have to admit that I never watched Cloud Atlas, probably because it was too much of a hype, back in the days.

I also forgot to mention that I am looking for films of 2 hours max ( due to probably starting the screening after sunset ( around 9 PM ) and people's attention spans ;<)

Sorry for dismissing your suggestions.

I have a challenging taste in movies, although I can like more mainstream stuff too, especially out of nostalgia. Jurassic Park will probably always remain one of my favorites.

And yeah, it would be awesome if you were around to attend these movie nights 🍷❤️


oh and I forgot to answer your question:

Who do you think that your audience might be, dear @vincentnijman ?

adults, pretty openminded people. Most of them have 'escaped' the system and their country, like me.