More Monty Python - You Should Laugh More

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Greetings and salutations Hivers. Today I thought we'd do another You Should Laugh More post.

Research has shown that laughter is good for us. It has all kinds of health benefits. Despite most of us knowing this, none of us laugh enough. Yeah, I know, being an adult is tough, and furthermore there is a lot of grim stuff happening in the world. These things may be true, but that just is all the more reason for trying to get a little laughter into our lives.

I thought for this week we'd look at some more Monty Python clips. I already featured them once a few months ago, but there are hundreds of Monty Python skits, so there are always more to look at.

Nudge Nudge

This is a classic one. Well they are all classics, but this is one of Eric Idle's best. I probably reference this skit at least once a week in the Bro Mancave on Discord. Eric Idle's character here may be a precursor to Beavis and Butthead.


The ever popular Spam skit. This is hilarious in it's ridiculousness. Well, there's spam egg sausage and spam, that's not got much spam in it. Cracks me up every time. Then the singing spam-loving Vikings. This is complete chaos!

If you liked that, how about the full Spam song? Go check it out.

The Architect Sketch

"Are you proposing to slaughter our tenants?"
"Does that not fit in with your plans?"

I think some of the places I've lived in my life much have been designed by one of the two characters in this sketch.

Raymond Luxury Yacht

Let's end with this one. This is short but great. The first time I saw this during the episode I completely lost it. It doesn't even make any sense, but that is exactly what it's so funny. Actually what really sells it is Michael Palin playing the perfect straight man here.

So what do you think? Did any of those make you laugh or were they just stupid? Monty Python is definitely an acquired taste and many people think it's just dumb. Where do you fall on that? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Posted using CineTV

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