The god's must be crazy

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Movies can at times get the most of our emotions. It can cause us to cry, to laugh or even smile.
I love watching movies, especially action and comic movies. Just today I remember one of the movies I watched and I started laughing. Although is an old movie but it was to comic that I couldn't hold myself laughing.

The movie has the title;"The gods must be crazy".
The first part was aired in 1980, while the second part was later released in 1989.
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The movie was about a traveling Bushman who encounters modern civilization and its stranger aspects.
Many of the things they do were strange to him and he was unfamiliar with most of their things.
Although he really tried to associate with the white and to help them, but he was acting funny because of his bush life.
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Here in this picture we see him with a bottle. This bottle was dropped in the bust by the foregners who was flying in the air.

The bush man saw it and took it. First he throws it up in order to send it back, but the law of gravity took place, he repeated the same thing the second time and the same thing happened. So he was surprised. He thought the bottle will go back to the air as it fell from it, but he didn't know that there is a law which governs the Earth; the law of gravity.

The bush man was strong and courageous but he was also unfamiliar with modern civilization.
Watch the movie for yourself and laugh out your worries 😀. I will be waiting to see your comment below 👇
Thanks for reading so far.

Posted using CineTV

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This is such a classic. Saw it as a kid. Not exactly PC these days, understandably.


Smiles 😀, as also watched it as a kid back then.