Onward πŸ§β€β™‚οΈβœ¨

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It's been a while since I wrote a movie review, simply because I just haven't had time to watch any new films.
There's been a lot of new movies coming out right now but I decided to go with a simple, heartfelt family movie and no other producers do it like Disney ✨


Family, Comedy, Adventure and that wholesome feeling of learning a new trick about life, this movie has it all πŸ˜ƒ.


In a magical world full of technological advances, elven brothers Ian and Barley Lightfoot set out on an adventure to resurrect their late father for a day. ~ Source

Watching this film was a delight and a great way to deviate from my regular unconscious way of spending my free 1 hour or so after school.

One thing that Disney have perfected is to make their stories told relate to the real world.
Despite the characters originating from a place of magic and wonder our main character still goes through plenty real life human emotions, the same stuff some kids go through everyday.

Having lost his father before even being born, our main character Ian Barley an awkward teen about to enter a new highschool, with an over-hyper elder brother, loving mother and to be honest quite an amusing stepfather πŸ˜‚.

One can guess that he already has a lot on his plate yet he gets a gift on his 16th birthday that could grant him the wish of a lifetime; A day with his dad.
Finding out he has the gift of magic, Ian sets out with his brother Barley on a quest to get the last material needed to make his dad complete.

There are a bunch of things that are great about this type of shows and a lot of things that was done so well, you as a viewer just have to appreciate itπŸ˜ƒ

The Animation

It being a film that has to do with magic. The animation has to be topnotch and it was. No shaky pictures here, no blur between the real and drawing, everything was just so authentic 🀩
It makes the whole show a joy to watch✨

The Feelings Portrayed...

This is a type of movie that is set out to show you something, and indeed it did.
The first awkward Ian learns something great in that quest and you as the viewers would too πŸ˜ƒβœ¨

The humanity of the Elf

I told you before that Ian portrayed typical awkward and unconfident teenager behavior.
Indeed the movie did a great job showing that, which makes the ending a whole more wholesome.
The film takes it's time to show small gestures that would make you notice this, make you understand just how complex and serious a teenagers confidence is and how easy it could change.


Overall Rating

One of the best movies I've watched this year, this 2020 Disney movie is sure to bring your whole family back.
I recommend it to all members, so come-on, let's get together and go Onward ✨



Posted using CineTV

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