RE: Movies Galore

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There are really some great movies that have been released this past few years that I've also haven't created the time to watch. Free Guy movie has really interesting storyline that's resonates well with the modern era.

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Hahah yeah the free guy one was interesting and it was released before the AI craze. I know that AI has been around for quite a while now but not as much in the forefront of our thought. I wonder if they released it knowing that it was coming soon?

There have been some good movies for sure. Lots of absolutely dumpster trash movies as well, far more than good movies but still some movies worth watching which is good!


I think yes, probably. They knew what was coming or had a glimpse of it. Perhaps, the movie could've also been created for prediction purposes?

Right, I've noticed the trend of dumpster trash movies as well lol. Many of them these days have lost the essence of what movies are about as they try to promote ideologies that aren't coherent with reality.