Beckham - 2023 - Netflix

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Not a football fan

And with not a football fan, I actually mean that I really dislike football. BUT, I like people and people have stories. I love the stories of people and therefore, you will also find me watching documentaries about football players if I think they have a story I find interesting to learn more about or highly entertaining for some reason.

The Beckhams

I think it's safe to say that I never heard about David Beckham before he married Victoria Adams as she was a famous member of the Spice Girls. Gosh, we're talking high school here, lol. I remember having a guy at school wanting to take me to the Spice Girls concert, which I refused as I didn't like him one bit. Anyway, football was something highly annoying to me at the time because my boyfriend back then was a HUGE football fan and even worse: he was supporting our always losing local club, lol. So whenever they didn't win (read: most of the times) he was in a bad mood. That surely didn't help me liking football.

Over the years, I read a rumour here and there, with the biggest one being David Beckham dating a Dutch girl named Rebecca Loos. If you're curious about this part of their story, I can tell you that I was too, but they kind of just talked over the subject meaning that you will not really find out the actual truth about this gossip in this documentary.

It only took one mistake

In terms of the story about David's carrier as a football player, I found it interesting to learn more about how he went from Manchester United to a Spanish club and how this transfer went down. If you're a fan, I don't need to tell you the facts but to me, seeing this as a non-fan and how these transfers are being arranged behind one's back as if you're just a product and their puppet, was new to me. In the end, I have to admit that in these times I wasn't even surprised to find out how this all works. It surely isn't only glitter and glamour, that was very clear seeing this documentary.

While being adored by the fans first, it only took one mistake in a football game to become THE target of those same people. Yes, he made a mistake, but don't we all? If it's true how they pictured the way he was bullied for that one mistake, in this matter and even getting death threats to his family, that's sickening! I saw this documentary and learned that this guy deserves way more respect if it were only for never letting the bully win after that one time the bully poked him and it almost cost him his career. At least this guy learned a lesson, while paying a very high price. I was happy to see things turned around at some point, I knew nothing about his career until this documentary, only that he played for Manchester United once. He even made me excited when they shared some amazing goals, lol.

The viral middle-class part

One very funny thing that made me find this documentary was the viral video of David putting Victoria in place when she mentioned she's from a working middle class family, lol. I mean, you probably saw it already, if not take a look to have a laugh:

I always thought "Posh Spice" was a bit much and probably a nightmare to live with but this documentary showed me that she just knows what she wants very well and has been nothing but supportive to her husband and his desires to play for another team somewhere in the world, wherever that would have been. I truly believe that she followed him blindly and at some point she was fed up with them moving as she finally found her peace in LA when he played for LA Galaxy. I also saw some joking and fun moments which made me giggle, it's clear to me this is a so-called power couple who didn't let any of the hardships coming their way break them. If the affair truly was real, they surely overcame the shit together and grew stronger. I salute them for the life they live now and I can only say that I highly recommend watching this documentary if you want to know more about their story.

Last, the trailer on Netflix. If you've seen it, let me know what you thought in a comment below.

Have a good week ahead..

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I am a big fan of football, and always a big fan of David Beckham even though i didn't watch more of him in action.

Learnt that he manages Inter Miami, the current club of Lionel Messi.

I need to watch this movie 🍿.


Yeah, I saw that too, but I don't like to spoil too much when I write a review. I surely gained respect for the guy, and his posh to be honest :)

Thanks for leaving a comment, have a good week ahead!


Some say posh only agreed for Beckham to transfer to LA because it's LA and that's where all the celebrities are.


Before I saw the documentary, I would have believe it, now I believe it was the first place they felt calm and at home instead of being chased down and receiving death treaths. But you know, documentaries can be edited a certain way so the truth could be in the middle lol.

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Not being a huge soccer fan I'll pass. Posh always seemed kind of stuck up and never smiled much in pictures. Glad to hear that she is not the "Spice Girl" persona!


I wasn't either, in fact, I never will. It's the story that lured my interest. I never thought high of her either hehe, she seems very arrogant, doesn't she? I think they balance each other out, at least so it seems. He's more down to earth from what I can see.



Thanks for the PIMP, how are you feeling?

How many PIMP do you need to start getting token pimp upvotes? or is that from HP delegation? I haven't found any good resources that explain the in's and out's on PIMP



You're welcome, I'm not online much currently, the situation with the water has not been resolved and now we're even waiting to get a response from the owner since he hasn't answered anything since Monday. You can imagine, we're fed up. But our hands are tied, so I'm hunting for another home atm, hoping that there is one we can find. The market is really fast though so it's a lot of work even to get a response. Basically if one says the owner is ok with the pets (it's a problem most of the times), then we need to jump in the car and visit so we can move fast. Otherwise, someone else takes it for sure.

Thankfully, Health wise, I'm doing good currently. What about you? I didn't check DM last days will do in a bit.

You need to delegate to @tokenpimp to get upvotes. If you ping @enginewitty that you delegated he will add you I think, I also let him know when I up my delegation. I currently have 2000 delegated and it's a good return if you ask me.



Sorry to hear about that water issue, that's ridiculous it's not fixed yet! Hopefully you can find something new quickly, and keep up your health! That's the most important thing.


I hope so too, it's frustrating really. So many homes, but most of them too expensive OR no pets allowed. Sigh, but it's going to work out, one way or the other.. it has too..

Have a good weekend ahead!


Any luck so far this weekend?


There are some pinned in The District server or in The community here on Hive 😎


I actually saw this serie just a few days ago on Netflix, Im no big football fun or liked Posh spice much. But it was a really good one and I also learned much that I didn't know about his career and what they had to go through.
Great insight and Thank you for sharing 😉

Happy weekend 🤗💕🤗


Haha, we're alike then, I really couldn't be bothered to read or watch anything about them in the past, but now I got curious. It's probably also because I now know that mainstream media will often paint a certain picture which is not always close to the truth. Yes, she's probably a bit posh and maybe difficult personality but it takes a strong couple to stay together with all the shit that they went through.

Hope you're good <3

Have a good weekend !PIMP


I agree I think they match each other and together they make a strong unit. And to Stay together after going through so much sure shows of Great Strength.

Have a wonderful weekend and big hugs 🤗💕🤗